We aim to cater for all levels of ability, but walking with us is dependent on the walk leader assessing the walker's preparedness for the walk.

Our walks are graded by the walk leader on their assessment of the walk, as follows;

                        - Easy:               Flat or undulating terrain, usually on track - Moderate fitness required.

                        - Medium:         Hilly terrain and possibly some off-track sections - Good fitness level required.

                        - Hard:               Includes steep hills, rough terrain, creeks, off-track sections and longer distances - Very good fitness level required, plus a positive attitude and a sense of humour.

Walk distances and timings are generally estimates only, or have been taken from published information. This sometimes also applies to walk gradings.

Walkers need to consider their suitability for a walk, as it may be harder than expected. If you are not sure, it is best to contact the walk leader.

Walkers are expected to wear suitable clothing for the walk. Runners are generally suitable for beach walks and most easy walks, but for most other walks, proper hiking boots with ankle support and a good tread are required.

Walkers should always pack suffiicient food for morning tea and a lunch, and always carry plenty of water, especially on hot days. A minimum of 1 litre of water is recommended and more in warmer weather.

If hot weather, strong winds or continuous heavy rain is forecast, a walk may be cancelled.

Walks are automatically cancelled on Total Fire Ban days.

Transport to the start of our walks is by private vehicle. 

Children under 18 years old are generally welcome on our walks but they must be accompanied by a responsible adult, (see our "Child Safe Policy"). The responsible adult must check with the walk leader if the child has not walked with us before.

Our club insurance through Bushwalking Victoria covers all walkers once they sign our walk register, acknowledging the risks and obligations of walking with us.             

Refer to the Bushwalking Victoria website for further information regarding bushwalking. Bushwalking Victoria    

To download and view our current Activities Program, click on the attachment below, 





Participation in any of our walks must be booked through our Booking Officer. 

If you have not walked with us before and would like to join us on one of our walks, please go to our "Join Us" page.

If you require more information, please click on the "Contact Us" tab.


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