Melton Bushwalkers was formed as a local walking group in January 1988 which evolved into a bushwalking club. This club became an incorporated association (registration number A0020535X) in March 1990 and is affiliated with Bushwalking Victoria

Our members are a friendly and easy-going group of like-minded people of varying ages, fitness levels and abilities, who enjoy bushwalking. Our club walks aim to cater for this diversity of our membership.

Our walks are mainly daywalks within 2 hours of Melbourne. These are usually held on Saturdays but we also have extra walks from time to time. We also usually organize at least one weekend away in country Victoria.

We generally like to take our walks at a leisurely pace and ALWAYS stop for morning tea and lunch. When time permits, we often call in at a nearby café after our walk.

We also have bar-b-ques and restaurant dinners during the year, which partners and family members are welcome to attend.

For information about our current walks and other activities, go to our "Walk with Us" page.

Our affiliation with Bushwalking Victoria provides our club and members with Public Liability, Associations Liability and Personal Accident insurance.


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